Number of Grooves: 4
Length (mm): 1000
MULTI GROOVE BELTSD.O.E. Multi Groove Belts – conform to O.E. Auto specification JASO – E -109 -94 / SAE J1459, RMA IP26 which requires the use of heat, ozone and oil resistant compounds. Most engines utilize multi-groove pulleys, with smaller engines usually using shorter 4PK belts with two or three belts per engine, and bigger engines utilize the wider 5PK to 8PK belts and use longer lengths to run alternator, water pump, air conditioner and power steering, in one configuration, with tensioners and jockey pulleys. Before removing a belt used in a serpent application, copy the way it is threaded to avoid the belt being incorrectly fitted.Tensioning of Multi Groove belts is critical, as an under tensioned belt will generate excessive heat and result in early belt failure. Over tensioning will result in early bearing failure. The following is the recommended tension per rib, 3PK to 12PK belts 12 –14kg per rib at installation and 9 – 10kg per rib once operational.Length Tolerances – Shorter belts will have a tolerance of ±4 to 5mm and longer belts ±6 to 7mm therefore you can use belts close to what manufacturers specify. For example: specify 885mm can utilize between 880mm and 890mm length belts.