‘Best panel beaters’ in South Africa unveiled

Lightstone Consumer has measured satisfaction with Motor Body Repairs for over 15 years. Nearly all the panel beaters within South Africa make use of the Echo-MBR Platform provided by Lightstone to ensure that their customers are getting the highest level of service possible.
This Echo-MBR Platform measures – constantly – issues that the might include whether the vehicle was fixed correctly the first time, how long did it take them to get the vehicle ready, what was the quality of the work done and whether the staff at the facility were friendly and helpful.
Lightstone have over 1000 Motor Body Repair Shops that have subscribed to this Echo-MBR which allows an enormous amount of data to be generated and results in extremely accurate ratings and rankings to be produced across the country.
A slight issue is the variability seen with smaller sample sizes, so an advanced type of statistical analysis has been introduced to ensure that results are based on facts and are fair.
The list below has been composed to rate the Top 10 National Best Panel Beaters within South Africa – basing them on the likelihood of fixing the vehicle the first time, being on time, professionalism and best rates for friendliness.
Chart Adapted from Wheels24, Source: Lightstone Consumer

Consumersare agreeing with this, calling it “remarkably accurate, reliable and robust”.The Echo-MBR is simply based on issues that the customers have mentioned and isthe best kind of feedback to base this Platform on.


I guess thisis something to consider following if you are a Body Repair Shop – excellentcustomer service is what keeps your doors open. So why not follow a guide thatis already there for you to use?


It’spractically done for you – now to implement it.


Article Adapted from Wheels24 2018-11-26





Charles Boshoff

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